Magnetismo ambiental en la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina
Hoy comparto con ustedes el resumen publicado de un trabajo en el que soy coautora. Debe citarse como:
Orgeira,M.J.; Rouzaut,S,; Vásquez,C.; Argüello G. L. and Sanabria J. 2011. Environmental Magnetism Study of a late Pleistocene-Holocene loess and Paleosols Sequence in Córdoba province (Argentina). IUGG Proceedings. Melbourne (Resumen)
The Corralito area is situated at 32°00´S 64°12’W in central semiarid region of Argentina. The region has a mean annual precipitation of 700 mm (mainly concentrated during the summer) and a mean annual temperature of 180C. The section is exposed along a natural gully and it comprises loess layers with 4 pedocomplex. According to lumininescence dating obtained by previous authors, an extensive period of soil formation recorded in one of the mentioned pedocomplex can be correlated with MIS 5; other two paleosols can be correlated with MIS 3. The 105 samples were collected along the sequence with a vertical equidistance between levels around 7 cm. In order to understand the pedogenic processes and their relation with paleoclimate conditions, the magnetic mineralogy was studied. In this contribution the hysteresis parameters at room temperature and the variation of magnetic susceptibility with temperature were analyzed. Changes in magnetic parameters suggest that one of the pedocomplex samples is characterized by depletion of detrital magnetic minerals, while in other paleosols and in the present soil the magnetic signal is the opposite. These results are correlated with climate patterns in the area during MIS 3 and MIS 5.
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Un abrazo y hasta el miércoles. Graciela.