More texts taken from «Eating dirt» (Será traducido al castellano el próximo viernes)

As you surely know, «Eating dirt» by Charlotte Gill is one of my favorite books.

I chose a paragraph strongly related to Geology for you to enjoy.

After a cutover, all the layers of the forest are hacked away: the canopy, the understory trees, the woody shrubs and the soft stemmed weeds and ferns. The sky comes crashing down to the ground. This is an incredible amount of material- for every square foot of forest floor, many times that in leaf cover. The web of branches that once caught fog and rain is bucked up into brittle flotsam. The soil, once bathed in understory gloom, is undressed, blasted by the sudden, brash light of the sun. All the dusky, micro-tilling fauna are exposed to baking heat and plunging frosts, where once they were protected by the canopy.

Recuerden que el próximo viernes, traduciré este texto al castellano.

Best wishes and till next Friday. Graciela.

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