Another excerpt from «Eating dirt» by Charlotte Gill.

imagen1para-leyes002(Aparecerá traducido el próximo viernes)

As you already know, Eating dirt is one of my favorite books, and I want to share some excellent paragraphs that I have selected for you.

Enjoy it!

With two weather fronts colliding, the sky is a chowder of wild colors, both dusky and bright. A mere Force 6 on the Beaufort scale, precisely half way between dead calm and a hurricane. A small-craft warning is in effect, which around here is as useful as a UV advisory in Death Valley. The clouds are blown to shreds. Clots and clumps whiz along. The sun descends, poking shards of orange light at the ocean.

P.S.: I have used a picture taken from an e mail, I do not know who the author is.

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