Present state of knowledge for the last 115 kyr at Córdoba central plain, Argentina

This paper must be quoted as (Este trabajo debe citarse como):

Sanabria, Jorge A; Argüello, Graciela L.2006. Present state of knowledge for the last 115 kyr at Córdoba central plain, Argentina. Libro de resúmenes de INTAS FINAL WORKSHOP Pleistocene Environments in Eurasia Chronology, Palaeoclimate and Teleconnection 2 – 3 November 2006 Geozentrum «GGA-Institut» Hannover Deutschland.

Sanabria, Jorge A; Argüello, Graciela L.2006. Present state of knowledge for the last 115 kyr at Córdoba ce… by GracielaL.Argüello on Scribd

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